25July16 – Another Day of Violence

Another shooting in Florida…teens. A knife stabbing in Tokyo. Nice, Paris only a few weeks ago. It’s been a string of violence over these past months and at the start of them I remember catching interest at a suggestion that there were political motivations behind them. There weren’t. People are filled with hatred but only because they can’t find love within themselves. An excerpt from the Bhagavad-Gita:

Brooding about sensuous objects
makes attachment to them grow;
from attachment desire arises,
from desire anger is born.

From anger comes confusion;
from confusion memory lapses;
from broken memory understanding is lost;
from loss of understanding, he is ruined

This is real folks. Hatred and anger take root from unmet expectations, whatever those expectations may be. The power of the mind to convince us that life is anything but beautiful is extremely powerful and should never be underestimated.



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